Modular cross-platform feature rich live environment.
Go to the documentation of this file.
24 struct ImageServiceInfo
41 struct RemoteImageInfo
125 virtual void ready () = 0;
137 virtual void error (
const QString& text) = 0;
virtual QObject * GetQObject()=0
Returns this object as QObject.
QUrl Preview_
The link to the preview version of the image, if applicable.
Pending image request proxy object.
QByteArray ID_
The unique ID of the service (including account ID).
Interface for remote image storage plugins.
QSize FullSize_
The size of the full-sized image, if known.
virtual LC::ImageServiceInfos_t GetServices() const =0
Returns the list of supported services.
QUrl Thumb_
The thumbnail-sized version of the image, if applicable.
virtual IPendingImgSourceRequest * StartDefaultChooser()=0
Requests the default image chooser to be opened.
QList< ImageServiceInfo > ImageServiceInfos_t
The list of image storage service descriptions.
QSize ThumbSize_
The size of the thumbnail-sized version of the image, if applicable.
virtual LC::RemoteImageInfos_t GetInfos() const =0
Returns the information about the selected images.
virtual void error(const QString &text)=0
Emitted if there is an error obtaining information about the requested images.
virtual ~IPendingImgSourceRequest()
QString Title_
The title of the image, if known.
QSize PreviewSize_
The size of the preview version of the image, if applicable.
virtual void ready()=0
Emitted when the information about the requested images becomes available.
QString Name_
The human-readable name of the service.
QList< RemoteImageInfo > RemoteImageInfos_t
A list of remote images.
virtual IPendingImgSourceRequest * RequestImages(const QByteArray &serviceId)=0
Requests the images for the given service.
QUrl Full_
The link to the full-sized image.