Modular cross-platform feature rich live environment.
Go to the documentation of this file.
extern const QString
extern const QString
extern const QString
extern const QString
extern const QString
extern const QString
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMLocationLocality
Exact locality, like a town or a city, a contact is currently in (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString MediaArtist
The artist of the currently playing media (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMEventMoodChange
User's mood has changed.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeTerminalActivity
Activity in terminal window.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMEventLocationChange
User's location has changed.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMActivitySpecific
Specific activity name of a contact (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMSubscrGrant
Another user has granted subscription to our user.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMSubscrUnsub
Another user has unsubscribed from our user.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TerminalActive
Whether the terminal window is active (bool).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMActivityGeneral
General activity name of a contact (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString MediaAlbum
The album of the currently playing media (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatDownloads
Category of Downloads-related events.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeOrganizerEventDue
An event due date is coming.
@ NotifyNone
No notifications.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString NewsSourceURL
News source URL (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeGeneric
Generic type for generic notifications.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatOrganizer
Category of Organizer-related events.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeTerminalBell
A bell has ringed in a terminal window.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatIM
Category of Instant Messaging-related events.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMSubscrSub
Another user has subscribed to our user.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString NewsSourceName
News source name (QString).
@ NotifySingleShot
Rule should be triggered only once.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMMUCInvite
User has been invited to a multiuser chat.
@ NotifyTransient
User should be notified visually.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMLocationLongitude
Longitude of a contact's position (double).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeTerminalInactivity
Inactivity in terminal window.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeNewsSourceBroken
News source is detected to be broken.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatNews
Category for news-related events.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeDownloadFinished
A download has been finished successfully without errors.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeNewsSourceUpdated
News source got updated.
@ NotifyPersistent
User should be notified visually via persistent notifications.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMEventTuneChange
User's tune has changed.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMIncFile
Another user has sent our user a file.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString MediaTitle
The title of the currently playing media (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMActivityText
Accompanying activity text entered by a contact (QString).
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(NotifyFlags, NotifyFlag)
Describes the notification parameters.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString MediaPlaybackStatus
Playback status of the URL (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMStatusChange
Another user in our user's contact list has changed its status.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMMUCMsg
A message has been sent to a multiuser chat.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatMediaPlayer
Category of media player-related events.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString MediaPlayerURL
The URL to the file being played.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMLocationCountry
Country a contact is currently in (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatGeneric
Generic notifications that don't fit into any other category.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMAttention
Another user has requested our user's attention.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatEventCancel
Event cancel pseudo-category.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeMediaPlaybackStatus
A media file playback status has been changed.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeDownloadError
A download has been failed.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypePackageUpdated
A package has been updated.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString MediaLength
The length of the currently playing media (int).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatPackageManager
Category of package manager-related events.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMSubscrRequest
Another user has requested subscription from our user.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMLocationLatitude
Latitude of a contact's position (double).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMIncMsg
User has received a message in a standard one-to-one chat.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMEventActivityChange
User's activity has changed.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMMoodText
Accompanying mood text entered by a contact (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString IMMoodGeneral
General mood name of a contact (QString).
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMMUCHighlight
User has been highlighted in a multiuser chat.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString TypeIMSubscrRevoke
Another user has revoked subscription from our user.
@ NotifyAudio
Notify by playing back an audio file.
const Q_DECL_IMPORT QString CatTerminal
Category for terminal emulation events.