Modular cross-platform feature rich live environment.
QString GetInternetLocaleName(const QLocale &locale)
QAction * CreateSeparator(QObject *parent)
Returns the action that is set to act as a separator.
QString GetAsBase64Src(const QImage &pix)
Returns the given image in a Base64-encoded form.
QString MakePrettySize(qint64 sourcesize)
Makes a formatted size from number.
QString GetLanguage()
Returns the current language name.
QString GetLocaleName()
Returns the current locale name, like en_US.
const QString LCLowercase
The "leechcraft" literal, with no run-time overhead.
QString MakePrettySizeShort(qint64 sourcesize)
Converts a bytes count to a string representation with appropriately chosen units.
QString MakeTimeFromLong(ulong time)
Makes a formatted time from number.
QModelIndexList GetSummarySelectedRows(QObject *sender)
QTranslator * InstallTranslator(const QString &baseName, const QString &prefix, const QString &appName)
Loads and installs a translator.
QTranslator * LoadTranslator(const QString &baseName, const QString &localeName, const QString &prefix, const QString &appName)