►Nboost | |
Citerator_range | |
►NLC | |
►NAN | |
►NUtil | |
►NCacheStrat | |
►CLRU | |
CValueAddon | |
►Ndetail | |
CAny | |
CCountArgs | |
CCountArgs< Container< Args... > > | |
CDecomposeMemberPtr | |
CDecomposeMemberPtr< R(C::*)> | |
CDomSiblingsIterator | |
CDropImpl | |
CDropImpl< 0, List > | |
CDropper | |
CDumbifier | |
CFC | |
CFilter< Pred, List< Head, Tail... >, std::enable_if_t< Pred< Head >::value > > | |
CFilter< Pred, List< Head, Tail... >, std::enable_if_t<!Pred< Head >::value > > | |
CFilter< Pred, List<> > | |
CFind | |
CFind< Name, Def > | |
CFind< Name, Def, Name< T >, Rest... > | |
CFind< Name, Def, T, Rest... > | |
CInitializer | |
CInitializer< WorkerType > | |
CInitializerBase | |
CInvokableResGetter | |
CInvokableResGetter< F, List< Args... > > | |
CInvokableType | |
CIsDetected | |
CIsDetected< Default, std::void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
CIsNotBrokenSFINAE | |
CIsNotBrokenSFINAE< boost::iterator_range< T > > | |
CLambdaEventFilter | |
COverloaded | |
CReplace | |
CReplace< Container< U >, T > | |
CScopeGuard | |
CSharedScopeGuard | |
CVisitorBase | |
CVisitorFinallyTag | |
CWrapVoidResult | |
CWrapVoidResult< void > | |
►NIntSeq | |
CConcatS | |
CConcatS< Seq > | |
CConcatS< Seq1, Seq2, Rest... > | |
CRepeatS | |
►Noral | |
►Ndetail | |
►NPostgreSQL | |
►CImplFactory | |
CTypeLits | |
CInsertQueryBuilder | |
►NSQLite | |
►CImplFactory | |
CTypeLits | |
CInsertQueryBuilder | |
CAdaptDelete | |
CAdaptInsert | |
CAdaptUpdate | |
CAddressOf | |
CAggregateType | |
CAssignList | |
CCachedFieldsData | |
CCountAll | |
CDeleteByFieldsWrapper | |
CDetectShift | |
CDetectShift< Seq, Seq > | |
CDetectShift< Seq, std::tuple< Args... > > | |
CExprTree | |
CExprTree< ExprType::ConstTrue, void, void > | |
CExprTree< ExprType::LeafData, T, void > | |
CExprTree< ExprType::LeafStaticPlaceholder, MemberPtrs< Ptr >, void > | |
CExprTreeHandler | |
CExtractConstraintFields | |
CExtractConstraintFields< PrimaryKey< Fields... > > | |
CExtractConstraintFields< UniqueSubset< Fields... > > | |
►CFindPKey | |
CLazy | |
CGetFieldsNames | |
CGroupBy | |
CGroupNone | |
CHandleSelectorResult | |
CIInsertQueryBuilder | |
CInfixBinary | |
CInfixBinaryProxy | |
CIsExprTree | |
CIsExprTree< ExprTree< Type, L, R > > | |
CIsPKey | |
CIsPKey< PKey< U, Tags... > > | |
CIsReferencesTarget | |
CIsReferencesTarget< PKey< U, Tags... > > | |
CIsReferencesTarget< Unique< U > > | |
CIsSelector | |
CIsSelector< AggregateType< Fun, Ptr > > | |
CIsSelector< MemberPtrs< Ptrs... > > | |
CIsSelector< SelectorUnion< L, R > > | |
CIsSelector< SelectWhole > | |
CLimitNone | |
CMemberPtrs | |
COffsetNone | |
COrderBy | |
COrderNone | |
CRelationalTypesChecker | |
CRelationalTypesChecker< Type, Seq, L, R, std::enable_if_t< IsRelational(Type)> > | |
CRelationalTypesCheckerBase | |
CRelationalTypesCheckerBase< Seq, L, R, std::enable_if_t< AreComparableTypes< Seq, L, R > > > | |
►CResultBehaviour | |
CAll | |
CFirst | |
CSelectorUnion | |
CSelectWhole | |
CSelectWrapper | |
CSelectWrapperCommon | |
CToSqlState | |
CWrapDirect | |
►Nsph | |
Casc | |
Cdesc | |
CAsDataStream | |
CFromVariant | |
CIndex | |
CIndirectHolderBase | |
►CInsertAction | |
►CReplace | |
CFieldsType | |
CPKeyType | |
CIsIndirect | |
CIsIndirect< NotNull< T > > | |
CIsIndirect< PKey< T, Args... > > | |
CIsIndirect< References< Ptr > > | |
CIsIndirect< Unique< T > > | |
CLimit | |
CNotNull | |
CObjectInfo | |
COffset | |
CPKey | |
CPrimaryKey | |
CQueryException | |
CReferences | |
CToVariant | |
CType2Name | |
CType2Name< ImplFactory, NotNull< T > > | |
CType2Name< ImplFactory, PKey< int, Tags... > > | |
CType2Name< ImplFactory, PKey< T, Tags... > > | |
CType2Name< ImplFactory, References< Ptr > > | |
CType2Name< ImplFactory, Unique< T > > | |
CUnique | |
CUniqueSubset | |
►NSvcAuth | |
►CVkAuthManager | |
CSilentMode | |
CVkCaptchaDialog | |
►NSysInfo | |
COSInfo | Describes the OS running LeechCraft |
►NViews | |
►Ndetail | |
CPairIterator | |
CZipRange | |
►NXDG | |
CDesktopParser | A parser for XDG .desktop files |
CDesktopParserTest | |
CItem | Describes a single XDG .desktop entry |
CItemsDatabase | An ItemsFinder automatically watching for changes in .desktop files |
CItemsFinder | Finds and parses XDG .desktop files |
CAddressesModelManager | Manages an XML settings model with a list of network interfaces selected by the user from the list of available ones |
CApplicativeTest | |
CAssocCache | |
CAsTypelist | |
CAsTypelist< OtherList< Args... > > | |
CAutoResizeMixin | Automatically moves a widget to fit a rectangle on resize |
CBackendSelector | A common dialog to select storage backend |
CBaseHookInterconnector | Base class for signal-slot relays in plugin APIs |
CBasicDeletePolicy | |
CBitFlags | |
CCaster | |
CCategorySelector | Way to select amongst a group of items |
CChoiceDeletePolicy | Delegates the SlotClosure deletion decision to the signal handler |
CClearLineEditAddon | Provides a "clear text" action for line edits |
CClosingDB | |
CColorButton | A button for choosing a color |
CColorThemeProxy | Proxy for QML files to use colors from current color theme |
CConcurrentException | A concurrent exception that plays nicely with Qt |
►CConsistencyChecker | |
CDumpError | |
CDumpFinished | |
CIFailed | |
CSucceeded | |
CCoreProxyHolder | |
CCpuFeatures | |
CCurryImpl | |
CCurryTest | |
CCustomCookieJar | A customized cookie jar with additional features |
CCustomNetworkReply | A network reply with customizable content and reply headers |
CDBLock | Provides database transaction lock |
CDefaultHookProxy | Standard implementation of IHookProxy |
CDeleteLaterPolicy | Deletes a SlotClosure object after its signal has fired |
CDetectorTest | |
CDndActionsMixin | Abstracts away differences between Qt4 and Qt5 in model DnD support |
CDomChildrenRangeTest | |
CDownloadParams | |
CDummyObject | |
►CDumper | |
CError | |
CFinished | |
CEither | |
CEitherCont | A peir of two functions, typically a continuation and an error handler |
CEitherTest | |
CErrorInfo | |
CExtensionsData | |
CFailedImpl | |
CFDGuard | |
CFindNotification | A horizontal bar with typical widgets for text search |
CFindNotificationWE | A helper class to aid connecting FindNotification with QtWebEngine |
CFindNotificationWk | A helper class to aid connecting FindNotification with Qt WebKit |
CFlatItemsModel | |
CFlatItemsModelBase | |
CFlatItemsModelTypedBase | |
CFlattenFilterModel | Proxy model flattening a hierarchical model |
CFlatToFoldersProxyModel | |
CFlatTreeItem | |
CFlowLayout | A simple flow layout implementation |
CFontChooserWidget | Provides a widget for choosing a font |
CFunctorTest | |
CFuturesTest | |
CHead | |
CHead< List< H, T... > > | |
CIDPool | A simple pool of identificators of the given type |
CInstanceApplicative | |
►CInstanceApplicative< Either< L, R > > | |
CGSLResult | |
CGSLResult< Either< L, V > > | |
►CInstanceApplicative< std::optional< T > > | |
CGSLResult | |
CGSLResult< std::optional< V > > | |
CInstanceFunctor | The Functor class is used for types that can be mapped over |
CInstanceFunctor< Either< L, R > > | |
CInstanceFunctor< QFuture< T > > | |
CInstanceFunctor< std::optional< T > > | Implementation of the Functor class for std::optional |
CInstanceMonad | |
CInstanceMonad< Either< L, R > > | |
CInstanceMonad< std::optional< T > > | |
CInstanceMonadPlus | |
CInstanceMonadPlus< Lazy_t< T >, std::enable_if_t< IsMonadPlus< T >()> > | |
CInstanceMonadPlus< std::optional< T > > | |
CIntrospectable | |
CLazyInitializer | Provides lazy initialization on first access to an object |
CLineEditButtonManager | Manages additional overlay buttons in a QLineEdit |
CLiteral | |
CMassFontChangeDialog | |
CMergeModel | |
CMimeDetector | |
CModelItem | Provides a proxying API on top of an QAbstractItemModel |
CModelItemBase | Base class for model items for tree-like models |
CModelIterator | Provides an iterator-based API to a Qt model |
CMonadicFuturesTest | |
CMonadPlusTest | |
CMonadTest | |
CNetworkDiskCache | A thread-safe garbage-collected network disk cache |
CNetworkDiskCacheGC | Garbage collection for a set of network disk caches |
CNewType | A somewhat "strong" typedef |
CNoDefaultCtor | |
CNoDeletePolicy | Does not delete a SlotClosure object |
►CNot | |
CNegate | |
CNegate< std::integral_constant< bool, V > > | |
CResult_t | |
CNotificationActionHandler | Aids in adding actions to notifications |
COralFKeyTest | |
COralTest | |
COralTest_SimpleRecord | |
COralTest_SimpleRecord_Bench | |
CPageNotification | A horizontal widget embedding into the parent layout of the passed parent widget |
CPlotItem | |
CPreludeTest | |
CQStringToLower | |
CQStringTrimmed | |
CQueueManager | A simple scheduling manager for a queue of functors |
CRegExp | |
CRegExpImpl | |
CReplyError | |
CReplyWithHeaders | |
CRequiresInit | |
CResourceLoader | Utility class for loading a file from a set of locations |
CResultInfo | |
CRoledItemsModel | |
CRoledMemberField | |
CRoleNamesMixin | Wraps differences between role names handling in Qt4 and Qt5 |
CS1 | |
CS2 | |
CScopeGuardTest | |
CScreensaverProhibitor | |
CSelectableBrowser | A "browser" that shows HTML either via QTextBrowser or a browser plugin |
CServiceInfo | |
CSettableIconProvider | QML image provider with settable icons for each path |
CShortcutManager | Aids in providing configurable shortcuts |
CSlotClosure | Executes a given functor upon a signal (or a list of signals) |
CSlotClosureBase | Base class for SlotClosure |
CSlotClosureTest | |
CSpaceInfo | Contains information about a partition's disk space |
CSslCertificateInfoWidget | |
CStandardNAMFactory | A standard QML QNetworkAccessManager factory |
CStdDataFilterMenuCreator | Adds actions to handle some data with relevant IDataFilter plugins to a menu |
CStlizeTest | |
►CStringPathTrie | |
CFindResult | |
CStringPathTrieTest | |
CTagsCompleter | Completer suitable for tag completion |
CTagsCompletionModel | A QStringListModel providing additional methods for tags |
CTagsFilterModel | Provides filter model with additional tags filter mode |
CTagsLineEdit | A line edit class suitable for use with TagsCompleter |
CThemeImageProvider | Provides icons from the current theme by their FDO name |
►CTokenize | |
CIterator | |
CTokenizeTest | |
CToolTipItem | ToolTip for Qml objects |
CTypeGetterTest | |
CTypelist | |
CTypelistTest | |
CUnhideListModel | A model to be used with UnhideListViewBase |
CUnhideListViewBase | Base class for a view of a list of items to be unclosed |
CUnhoverDeleteMixin | Allows to hide a widget or popup after mouse leave |
CUpcaster | |
CUpcaster< To * > | |
CUrlAccessor | |
CUrlOperator | Manipulates query part of an QUrl object |
CUtilTest | |
CViewsTest | |
CVisitor | |
CVisitorTest | |
CVoid | A proper void type, akin to unit (or () ) type in functional languages |
CWidthIconProvider | Provides scalable icons to QML |
CWkFontsWidget | A settings widget for configuring WebKit fonts |
CWorker | |
CWorkerThread | |
CWorkerThreadBase | |
CWorkerThreadTest | |
CWrapType | |
CWrapType< QList< QString > > | |
CXWrapper | |
CActionInfo | Describes an action exposed in shortcut manager |
CANBoolFieldValue | Describes a field with boolean values |
CANFieldData | A single additional AdvancedNotifications field |
CANIntFieldValue | Describes a field with integer values |
CANStringFieldValue | Describes a field with QString values |
CEntity | A message used for inter-plugin communication |
CIHookProxy | Class for hook-based communication between plugins |
CImageServiceInfo | Describes a single image hosting service (including account) |
CProcessStateInfo | State of a single process represented in a IJobHolder model |
CQuarkComponent | Describes a single quark |
CRemoteImageInfo | Describes a remote image |
CRequest | Describes the elementary subrequest |
CTabClassInfo | The structure describing a single tab class |
CTabRecoverInfo | Keeps the tab state between runs |
►NMedia | |
CAlbumInfo | Information about an album used in IAlbumArtProvider |
CAlbumRelease | Describes a recent release |
CArtistBio | Information about artist biography |
CArtistImage | Describes a single artist photo |
CArtistInfo | A structure describing an artist |
CAudioInfo | Describes a single audio track |
CAudioSearchRequest | Describes a request for an audio search in an IAudioPile |
CEventInfo | A structure describing an event like a gig or a festival |
CHypedArtistInfo | Contains information about a hyped artist |
CHypedTrackInfo | Contains information about a hyped track |
CIAlbumArtProvider | Interface for plugins that can search for album art |
CIArtistBioFetcher | Interface for plugins supporting fetching artist biography |
►CIAudioPile | Interface for plugins supporting searching for tracks |
CResult | A structure describing a single entry in search result |
CIAudioScrobbler | Interface for plugins that support scrobbling |
CICurrentSongKeeper | Interface for plugins able to fetch current tune |
CIDiscographyProvider | Interface for plugins supporting getting artist discography |
CIEventsProvider | Interface for plugins that can provide events |
CIHypesProvider | Interface for plugins that support fetching hypes |
CILyricsFinder | Interface for plugins supporting finding lyrics |
CIModifiableRadioStation | Interface for radios supporting streams adding or removal |
CIRadioStation | Describes a single radio station |
CIRadioStationProvider | Interface for plugins providing radio stations |
CIRecentReleases | Interface for plugins providing recent releases |
CIRecommendedArtists | Interface for plugins supporting recommended artists |
CIRestorableRadioStationProvider | Interface for radio station providers able to restore the radio stations between LeechCraft runs |
CISimilarArtists | Interface for plugins supporting similar artists |
CITagsFetcher | Interface for plugins fetching tags for untagged files |
CLyricsQuery | Describes a lyrics search request |
CLyricsResultItem | Describes a single lyrics result item |
CRadioRestoreResult | Describes the result of restoring a single radio station |
CReleaseInfo | Information about a release, like an album or a single |
CReleaseTrackInfo | Information about a track release |
CSimilarityInfo | Describes similarty information of an artist |
CTagInfo | Information about a tag like a genre |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Citerator_traits< LC::Util::ModelIterator > | |
CAutogenPKeyRecord | |
CEntityTestHandleResult | The result of testing whether an entity could be handled by a plugin |
CIActionsExporter | Interface for embedding actions and menus into various places |
►CIAdvancedHTMLEditor | Interface for HTML/WYSIWYG editors with some advanced functionality |
CCustomTag | Describes a single custom tag |
CIAdvancedPlainTextEditor | |
CIANEmitter | Interface for plugins emitting AdvancedNotifications entries |
CIANRulesStorage | Interface for plugins managing Advanced Notifications rules |
CIColorThemeManager | Proxy class to the color theme management engine |
CICoreProxy | Proxy class for the communication with LeechCraft |
CICoreTabWidget | This interface is used to represent LeechCraft's core tab widget |
►CIDataFilter | Base interface for data filter plugins |
CFilterVariant | Describes a single filter variant supported by this data filter |
CIDNDTab | Interface for tabs supporting Drag'n'Drop on tab level |
►CIDownload | Common interface for all the downloaders |
CError | |
CSuccess | |
CIEditorWidget | Interface to be implemented by editor widgets returned from ITextEditor::GetTextEditor() |
CIEntityHandler | Interface for plugins able to handle entities |
►CIEntityManager | Proxy to core entity manager |
CDelegationResult | The result of delegating this entity to another plugin |
CIFinder | Base class for search providers |
CIFindProxy | Represents search results for a single Request |
CIHaveDiagInfo | Interface for plugins having human-readable diagnostic data |
CIHaveRecoverableTabs | Interface for plugins that can recover tabs after restart |
CIHaveSettings | Interface for plugins that have user-configurable settings |
CIHaveShortcuts | Interface for plugins that support configuring shortcuts |
CIHaveTabs | Interface for plugins that have one or more tabs |
CIIconThemeManager | Interface for accessing LeechCraft-wide icons manager |
CIImgSource | Interface for remote image storage plugins |
CIImportExport | Interface for plugins which can import/export data to persistent storage |
CIInfo | Required interface for every plugin |
CIJobHolder | Interface for plugins holding jobs or persistent notifications |
CIJobHolderRepresentationHandler | |
CILoadProcess | Describes the progress of a single long-running operation |
CILoadProgressReporter | Interface for reporting progress of some long-running operation during load time |
CIMediaPlayer | |
►CIMWProxy | This interface is used for manipulating the main window |
CDockWidgetParams | |
CIPendingImgSourceRequest | Pending image request proxy object |
CIPersistentStorage | Provides access to a storage in an IPersistentStoragePlugin |
CIPersistentStoragePlugin | Interface for plugins providing persistent (and possibly secure) storage |
CIPlugin2 | Base class for second-level plugins |
CIPluginAdaptor | This class is used to provide plugins for LeechCraft from additional sources |
CIPluginReady | Base class for plugins accepting second-level plugins |
CIPluginsManager | This interface is used to represent LeechCraft's global plugin manager |
CIQuarkComponentProvider | Interface for plugins providing quark components |
CIRecoverableTab | Interface for a single tab that may be recovered |
CIRemovableDevManager | Interface for classes providing information about removable devices |
CIRootWindowsManager | Interface to the core windows manager |
CIScript | Interface for objects representing scripts |
CIScriptLoader | Interface for plugins providing scripting |
CIScriptLoaderInstance | Interface for script loaders |
CIShortcutProxy | Proxy for requesting shortcuts from the shortcut manager in the Core |
CIShutdownListener | Interface for plugins wishing to get notifications about the shutdown process |
CISpellChecker | An instance of a spell checker |
CISpellCheckProvider | Interface for plugins providing spell checker capabilities |
CIStartupWizard | Interface for adding page to the common startup wizard |
CISummaryRepresentation | |
CISyncable | |
CISyncProxy | |
CITabWidget | This interface defines methods that should be implemented in widgets added to the main tab widget |
CITaggableJobs | Interface for plugins having taggable download jobs |
CITagsManager | Tags manager's interface |
CITextEditor | Interface for plugins implementing a text editor component |
CIVideoWidget | |
CIWebBrowser | Base class for plugins that provide a web browser |
CIWebFileStorage | Interface for plugins supporting storing files on the web |
CIWebWidget | Common interface for a web widget |
CIWkFontsSettable | Interface to aid WebKit-like-view-containing tabs to expose the view fonts configuration to the user |
CQFuture | |
CQFutureInterface | |
CQList | |
CQMap | |
CSimpleRecord | |
CStudent | |