LeechCraft  0.6.70-15082-g543737046d
Modular cross-platform feature rich live environment.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 NstdSTL namespace
 CEntityTestHandleResultThe result of testing whether an entity could be handled by a plugin
 CIActionsExporterInterface for embedding actions and menus into various places
 CIAdvancedHTMLEditorInterface for HTML/WYSIWYG editors with some advanced functionality
 CIANEmitterInterface for plugins emitting AdvancedNotifications entries
 CIANRulesStorageInterface for plugins managing Advanced Notifications rules
 CIColorThemeManagerProxy class to the color theme management engine
 CICoreProxyProxy class for the communication with LeechCraft
 CICoreTabWidgetThis interface is used to represent LeechCraft's core tab widget
 CIDataFilterBase interface for data filter plugins
 CIDNDTabInterface for tabs supporting Drag'n'Drop on tab level
 CIDownloadCommon interface for all the downloaders
 CIEditorWidgetInterface to be implemented by editor widgets returned from ITextEditor::GetTextEditor()
 CIEntityHandlerInterface for plugins able to handle entities
 CIEntityManagerProxy to core entity manager
 CIFinderBase class for search providers
 CIFindProxyRepresents search results for a single Request
 CIHaveDiagInfoInterface for plugins having human-readable diagnostic data
 CIHaveRecoverableTabsInterface for plugins that can recover tabs after restart
 CIHaveSettingsInterface for plugins that have user-configurable settings
 CIHaveShortcutsInterface for plugins that support configuring shortcuts
 CIHaveTabsInterface for plugins that have one or more tabs
 CIIconThemeManagerInterface for accessing LeechCraft-wide icons manager
 CIImgSourceInterface for remote image storage plugins
 CIImportExportInterface for plugins which can import/export data to persistent storage
 CIInfoRequired interface for every plugin
 CIJobHolderInterface for plugins holding jobs or persistent notifications
 CILoadProcessDescribes the progress of a single long-running operation
 CILoadProgressReporterInterface for reporting progress of some long-running operation during load time
 CIMWProxyThis interface is used for manipulating the main window
 CIPendingImgSourceRequestPending image request proxy object
 CIPersistentStorageProvides access to a storage in an IPersistentStoragePlugin
 CIPersistentStoragePluginInterface for plugins providing persistent (and possibly secure) storage
 CIPlugin2Base class for second-level plugins
 CIPluginAdaptorThis class is used to provide plugins for LeechCraft from additional sources
 CIPluginReadyBase class for plugins accepting second-level plugins
 CIPluginsManagerThis interface is used to represent LeechCraft's global plugin manager
 CIQuarkComponentProviderInterface for plugins providing quark components
 CIRecoverableTabInterface for a single tab that may be recovered
 CIRemovableDevManagerInterface for classes providing information about removable devices
 CIRootWindowsManagerInterface to the core windows manager
 CIScriptInterface for objects representing scripts
 CIScriptLoaderInterface for plugins providing scripting
 CIScriptLoaderInstanceInterface for script loaders
 CIShortcutProxyProxy for requesting shortcuts from the shortcut manager in the Core
 CIShutdownListenerInterface for plugins wishing to get notifications about the shutdown process
 CISpellCheckerAn instance of a spell checker
 CISpellCheckProviderInterface for plugins providing spell checker capabilities
 CIStartupWizardInterface for adding page to the common startup wizard
 CITabWidgetThis interface defines methods that should be implemented in widgets added to the main tab widget
 CITaggableJobsInterface for plugins having taggable download jobs
 CITagsManagerTags manager's interface
 CITextEditorInterface for plugins implementing a text editor component
 CIWebBrowserBase class for plugins that provide a web browser
 CIWebFileStorageInterface for plugins supporting storing files on the web
 CIWebWidgetCommon interface for a web widget
 CIWkFontsSettableInterface to aid WebKit-like-view-containing tabs to expose the view fonts configuration to the user